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Monday, August 3, 2015

Reviews On "The World Is In Me"

Review Point: 3 out of 5
Author: Sheeraz Khan
Publisher: Frog Books, Imprint of Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy
ISBN: 978-93-52013-25-8
Edition: First, 2015
Page Count: 194

Oez, with his friend Leung and Tushal lives and studies in orphanage. He has lost his parents at the age of two. Here in orphanage he has one special person Arjun who is a Kaleri fighter. One days Oez comes to know about the 2D view of Arjun and asks him to describe. But a moment enters and soon Oez comes to know that there is one more world. Gradually, Arjun tell him each thing and takes in the new world Vajish with the permission of EVA(Earth Vajish Association). Oez gets two more friend Dhanush and Arsila who tell him that he is the prince of Vajish and sent to earth by his parents to save him and for the welfare of their empire. What compelled Oez parents to send him on the earth? What was the fear for the people of Vajish? Who is Ahad and Ubaid and why Ubaid treats Oez rudely? How Oez saves his new world? To know the answer you must read this fantasy story “The World Is In Me”.

Strength of the Book:
Good fantasy platform is knitted for the book. The most important thing of the book which attracts readers is the way of communication between the real world and fantasy world. EVA concept is really unique and embedded with story very well. Characters are justified well and fabricated in proper way to keep users away from confusion. Situations as well as dialogues are described in good way and seem too much real. Each character is given equal importance for the narration. No balderdash is created throughout the book.

Weakness Of The Book:
With bit of grammatical errors, this book is not able to tie readers in amazing way. Story is quite simple and narration is little weak too. After couple of chapters, book loses interesting moments and narration goes down. In the middle time, book makes readers bore.

Those who are fed of love and other rubbish stories can take a dive in this different kind of fantasy story based book. Cover page and the title beautifully support the story. The way of doing end of the book is really admirable. Author Sheeraz Khan has much potential to present things which are out of the box in much better way. This book will be loved by fantasy lovers and fans of J.K. Rowling(authoress of Harry Potter Series).

Reviewing Point:
3 out of 5

Review By:
- Kamal Paneru

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