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Monday, August 29, 2016

Reviews on "A Road Not Traveled"

Review Point: 3.5 out of 5
Author: J. Alchem
Publisher: StoryMirror
Genre: Fiction
Page Count: 198
Edition: First, 2016

Book is about three faces motivational speaker Niorgast Stinvins, political advisor Doilin Flenk and journalist Bakintin Lenit working together for a mission. All things begin when one day Niorgast receives an unknown call to be present at a specific place. There, he meet with mind-turner software engineer Albormi Menhtis. Anbormi presents his idea to unit the world as one country. Skipping at first, all get motivated by his words and do proceed their work for it. Meanwhile, they work together firstly to manage the problems of Niorgast's country and then spread their hands. Will they be able to accomplish their mission? What hurdles would they face? Will government of their countries support their idea? What plans would they make for their mission? Why they choose to work for this mission? To know, go through the ride of A Road Not Traveled.

Strength of the Book
Quite impressive platform having this book is a way to have peace in the entire world. Connecting all professionals people at one place and tiding them with the single thread of depiction, novel goes well with really effective dialogues. Way of centralising on one person while describing all the other things, keeping on track, is amazing. Each and every turn is connected and goes very step by step. Buttered with the good way of narration, story turns crispy with short stanzas by character Albormi Menhtis. Writer has put more effort to make the done and doing appearing real. The way story is and the way shock has given to readers make it outstanding narration. God is with us is shown well with the example of Himalaya.

Weakness of the Book
At many places, writer diverts from the topic. Also, weak narration is presented after the dialogues at couple of pages. Bit grammatical issues along with mixture of US English and British English is also presented. Writer makes confuse readers describing other things in other manner. The pace and the tone of novel mismatches. Many times, it seems, story is not fictional and writer has introduced academic way. In between, story drops the interest and goes as pale. The last chapter is always strength of any narration but it goes quite simple as all the stuff is concluded up to the previous one.

At first attempt, to present such thing is amazing and beyond appreciation. Grasping title with outstanding story line, this book is a must read. Giving the unique and quite different idea of uniting the entire world under one roof is impressive. The way image of Albormi Menhtis is presented is best to define a motivational character and its effect. Yes! there are thousands of problems people are suffering from and many of them are just because of borders. Writer has insisted this thing quite well and provided better solution with an example of exchanging $1 with $1 gives $1 but exchanging 1 thought gives 375 ideas. Good ending is given to the story. Cover page really looks good and suits perfectly to the theme. Those who seek story other than love can have this bite of perfection. Author secure a place in the bookshelves of readers for his book.
Review Point
3.5 out of 5

Review by -
Kamal Paneru

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